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Stepping Out in Faith: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

christian therapy church leadership church mental health imposter syndrome Jul 31, 2024

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has experienced this...

When I first felt God's call to change the way I view my faith with mental health and instead connect them in my ministry, I was immediately filled with fear. Yes, I know—me, a licensed therapist and minister with over a decade of experience, scared to take the next step!

Let me tell ya, the imposter syndrome was REAL! 

 You see, despite feeling called and equipped, I couldn't shake the fear of making a mistake or being judged by others who I deemed more "qualified." Can I be honest with you, it nearly held me back from embracing the beautiful and authentic relationship God wanted for me and those I serve through Space & Grace and my therapy practice.

Can you relate? Have you ever counted yourself out because you were scared of failing or being rejected? 


Who God Says You Are.

Well, let me tell you something powerfully encouraging: Every time I turned to scripture, I was quickly reminded of a profound truth—

God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

What a relief!! This realization totally shifted everything for me.

Your shortcomings don't have to be barriers; they are the very things that keep us close to Him.

It's in those moments of uncertainty and reliance on God that His plans for us are glorified and made known to you.

 I was reminded of two verses that really spoke to me during this grapple between my head and my heart:

- Proverbs 3:5: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding."*

- Psalm 37:23: "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."*

These verses became my anchor. I realized I didn’t need to have every step planned out—that’s God’s job. Phew (am I right?)!! My job was simply to trust Him and move forward in faith.


Lesson Learned.

Once I learned to listen to His call over my doubts, something incredible happened: Lives were changed, starting with mine. I began to see the fruits of connecting faith and mental health in a deeper, more authentic way, and it’s been a transformative journey ever since.


So, let me ask you—have you ever experienced a moment where fear almost held you back? How did you overcome it, or are you still navigating through it? I'd love to hear your story.


Until our next talk sesh!

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