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Myth Busting the Lies About Mental Health & Faith

christian therapy church leadership church mental health faith mental health Aug 23, 2024

Hey there Church Leader!

 This week on the Space & Grace Podcast I talked about understanding Mental Health through the Bible, if you prefer to listen or watch your content, feel free to either Tune in HERE OR Watch HERE

Let's keep the conversation going and chat some more about something we discussed on the podcast super important and often misunderstood—mental health & faith. It’s vital that we the Church get on the right side of  this topic. So let's address some common misconceptions that can be really damaging and sometimes even prevent people from getting the help they need.


Mental Health + Therapy = SIN?

Okay, so let's recap a myth that’s way too common: "If you struggle with mental health or go to therapy, then you don't have enough faith or there must be sin in your life." Seriously, nothing could be further from the truth! Mental health issues can affect anyone, no matter what their faith is or what personal choices they've made. Think of it this way—getting a cold doesn't make you a bad person, right?

Therapy is such a fantastic tool that helps us navigate life’s ups and downs. It gives us techniques to cope, grow, and thrive. Going to therapy is a sign of strength, not weakness. It's kind of like going to the doctor when you're physically sick. You wouldn’t think twice about it, right?


Faith & Mental Health

Now, let’s talk about faith. So many of us find incredible comfort and strength in our faith in Jesus. He is our source of hope, community, and understanding. But, having faith doesn’t mean we’re immune to life’s challenges, in fact Jesus tells us we will experience hardships "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."- John 16:33. We can have faith that we will overcome those trials through Jesus, faith is a lot like a supportive friend who supports you through tough times, offering comfort and guidance, but not always solving all your problems in the time frame or way we think is best.

So what do we do in the "waiting period"? One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 27:17: "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another..."

This reminds me how important it is to have a support system, which can absolutely include professional help like therapy. Sometimes, being sharpened means letting others help us grow.

And Psalm 104 is another gem. It’s such a beautiful reminder of God’s creation and the intricate care He has for all living things. It tells us that everything is part of a grand design, including the support systems in place for our mental well-being. 


 Research & Evidence

I could go on and on about scripture references and will in the future. Let’s also bring a little science into the mix (*puts on lab coat), shall we? A super insightful study conducted by some amazing psychologists (shout out to the experts!) was published by Harvard, showing that therapy can significantly improve mental health outcomes. This research totally helps break down the stigma and shows that seeking help is a positive and empowering step towards wellness.


Breaking the Stigma

It's about time we break the stigma surrounding mental health and faith. Just like we wouldn't judge someone for taking medication for a physical illness, we shouldn’t judge those seeking help for their mental health. Let's support one another by encouraging open and honest conversations about our struggles and the importance of mental well-being.

So, if you or someone you know is dealing with mental health issues, remember it's completely biblical to seek help. Therapy can be an invaluable resource and it absolutely doesn’t diminish your faith or who you are as a person, in fact I have found that it enhances it!


If you made it until the end, I know you are serious about connecting your faith & mental health and I want to help you do it! TAP HERE to sign up for my free 7-Day Mindful Prayer Journal! 

Together, let's start connecting your Faith & Mental Health! 

 - Until next time!

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